About Us

Our Mission & History

Our Mission

Support the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in domestically and internationally promoting the CCE framework which allows emissions management while ensuring socio-economic development.

offshore oil rig at sunset ​

offshore oil rig at sunset 

Our History

Climate change has become a key area of focus globally as a result of rising temperatures, but the narrow focus on only reducing fossil fuels will result in several significant socio-economic consequences. Thus, KSA promotes CCE, a holistic approach that utilizes all available levers to address CO2 emissions while generating economic value and jobs.

ahmed zahrani  

Initiated in October 2019 and designed in 2020, the Circular Carbon Economy National Program is being fully launched in 2021. HRH the Minister of Energy highlighted the importance of the Circular Carbon Economy for sustainable growth in his speech at the Future Investment Initiative in 2019 and then again in the International Carbon Capture, Use, and Storage Conference in 2020.

fahad ajlan  

The G20 Leaders endorsed, during their Summit on 21-22 November 2020, the Circular Carbon Economy framework, with the aim of providing a sustainable, pragmatic and cost-effective approach that recognizes the urgency to act on climate change while ensuring access to clean and affordable energy for all.​

Our Strategic Objectives​

The program engages in multiple initiatives and activities aiming to achieve three strategic objectives, both globally and for the Kingdom.


Climate Protection

  • Abate CO2 emissions cost-efficiently as a result of deploying CCE applications
  • Ensure all possible levers available for CO2 abatement are utilized

Socio-Economic Impact

  • Capture value from waste CO2 released in the atmosphere
  • Promote new industries based on CCE technology that will contribute to GDP upliftment and employment generation

Global Leadership

  • Accelerate global adoption of the CCE program via international advocacy and communication
  • Showcase KSA leadership on tackling climate change globally

Our Strategic Objectives

The program engages in multiple initiatives and activities aiming to achieve three strategic objectives, both globally and for the Kingdom.


Climate Protection

  • Abate CO2 emissions cost-efficiently as a result of deploying CCE applications
  • Ensure all possible levers available for CO2 abatement are utilized

Socio-Economic Impact

  • Capture value from waste CO2 released in the atmosphere
  • Promote new industries based on CCE technology that will contribute to GDP upliftment and employment generation

Global Leadership

  • Accelerate global adoption of the CCE program via international advocacy and communication
  • Showcase KSA leadership on tackling climate change globally

Our Key Activities

Our work is centered around supporting KSA in domestically and internationally promoting the CCE framework which manages emissions while ensuring socio-economic development.


CCE Technology Development

  • Develop ambitions and roadmaps for key CCE technologies
  • Identify and activate required enablers and funding mechanisms
  • Identify key standards and policies that need to be updated

Domestic Implementation

  • Oversee domestic implementation of scale-up technologies
  • Support domestic industries in reducing emissions
  • Develop KSA emissions scenarios

International Engagement

  • Coordinate with other international stakeholders on CCE technologies (e.g. institutes, industries, etc.)
  • Promote CCE framework internationally
  • Demonstrate KSA position in key international forums

Our Key Activities

Our work is centered around supporting KSA in domestically and internationally promoting the CCE framework which manages emissions while ensuring socio-economic development.


CCE Technology Development

  • Develop ambitions and roadmaps for key CCE technologies
  • Identify and activate required enablers and funding mechanisms
  • Identify key standards and policies that need to be updated

Domestic Implementation

  • Oversee domestic implementation of scale-up technologies
  • Support domestic industries in reducing emissions
  • Develop KSA emissions scenarios

International Engagement

  • Coordinate with other international stakeholders on CCE technologies (e.g. institutes, industries, etc.)
  • Promote CCE framework internationally
  • Demonstrate KSA position in key international forums (COP 26, G20)

Word From The Minister

word from the minister 

His Royal Highness
Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman

Minister of Energy

Economic growth, since the industrial revolution in the 18th century, has helped improve the lives of billions of people around the world. However, increased human activity as a result of this growth has led to severe stresses on the nature and environment, including a rise in CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere. This resulted in global warming and a corresponding change in weather patterns. Climate change has now become one of the most pressing issues of our time. The global community thus aims to limit temperature rise to well within 2°C above pre-industrial levels.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is committed to contribute to this global goal. We acknowledge that as a global energy producer, our role is to find innovative and sustainable solutions to address climate change and global warming. We promote the Circular Carbon Economy (CCE) framework because we believe that “Carbon is not the enemy”. CCE presents an economically sustainable solution that leverages the circularity of carbon to manage CO2 emissions through the 4R levers: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Remove. In collaboration with several stakeholders across the energy ecosystem, we launched the Circular Carbon Economy National Program, a program that aims to reduce CO2 emissions by deploying innovative CCE applications and technologies, while maintaining socio economic growth in the Kingdom. The Circular Carbon Economy National Program, a program from Saudi Arabia for the world, will create impact while accounting for national circumstances, as highlighted in the Paris Agreement.

Our Partners

The Circular Carbon Economy National Program collaborates with several partners ranging from ministries,
government authorities, research institutes, corporations and others.

Our Core Members

Our Associate Partners